Still perfectly animated and weighted and timed and you've not even tried the Long Jump yet. Then he spins and tucks - arms out, arms in, too quick to count - cleaving the air with the sound of two swooshes before landing with a gymnast finish. The best thing in gaming? Certainly the best thing you can do with a bipedal avatar and a pad in hand, as Mario shoots so high and so fast the camera cranes to keep up. Then you wind up your first triple jump - wah! HOOHoo! - and release it - YAhoo! And now it's all :o and mouth agape and I seriously think this one move alone might be the best, most rewarding thing in my Switch library. That green hillock and that blue sky and a specific, familiar sense of calm. Load up the game and you're dropped back at Peach's Castle entrance, with the shush of that distant waterfall.
Hang on, is Super Mario 64's movement still the best in gaming?